Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Restoring Files or Folders Hidden Virus

I am sure many of you ever attacked by computer viruses. Most of you can eradicate the virus with Antivirus, like Avira Personal, Kaspersky, Smandav or PCMAV. The problem now is that there are some viruses that hide files or folders. Lots of your data stored in files or folders you can not see. Although the virus has been eradicated with your Antivirus, but the files or folders you still do not appear in Windows Explorer. Why? This is because some viruses are memeberikan hidden and system attributes to the file or folder.

Then how do I restore / display the recovered files and folders that disemunyikan virus? The trick is to arrange for your computer to display the files or folders are hidden and system attributes is through the folder options. The steps are as follows:

1. Open Windows Explorer.
2. Click the Tools menu »» Folder Options.
3. In the folder options window, remove the sign on the option "Show hidden files and folders". This option is used to display the files or folders hidden attributes.
4. Then to display the file system attributes, remove the check mark (grass) on the option "Hide protected operating system files (Recommende)."

5. Then click OK to save settings and close the folder options.

Now try to check your files or folders are hidden viruses earlier. Has appeared in windows explorer? If you have, try to see the file or folder. File or folder will look vaguely right?

Now how do I restore files and folders atrribute to return to normal? So that if later on take it to another computer that you do not like the earlier sets, files and folders are visible. To do this you membuthkan help of a software. Software you need is software that works to change the attributes of a file or folder. One of the software which I think is good enough is Attribute Changer.

Using Attribute Changer you can change the attribute files or folders with ease. You simply right-click a file or folder, then select Change attribute.

 Attribute Changer In the window choose the appropriate attribute. So you can show (restore) files and folders are hidden viruses, then the set of attributes to normal and remove the check mark on the choice of hidden and system.

How? It's easy not to return / display the recovered files and folders are hidden viruses with Attribute Changer? If you want to use this software, please download Attribute Changer for free via the link at the end of the article. With attribute changer, restore files and folders are hidden viruses and so much easier if you're not too computer virus is concerned anymore. However, I gave advice before your computer got a virus, it's better prevent virus attacking your computer. The trick? Please read Tips to avoid a virus attack. Finally, hopefully this software useful and Good luck!

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